Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Interesting Links relating Caucasus:

"Perekrestok" (Crossroads) - is a weekly TV news program, illustrating the life in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. Broadcast each Tuesday at the evening prime-time 30-minutes long program issues are watched by almost 6 million people.

The Center for Journalism in Extreme Situations (Russia)

Caucasus Journalists Network

The Caucasus Times Agency is an independent, free and objective source of news and information with special focus on human rights and the rule of law in Caucasus Region.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Karabakh, 2004

Read interesting Article about situation in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Another frozen Conflict in Caucasus........

Karabakh- Conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan, seen from georgian and abkhaz journalists.

Production of Studio Re

Thursday, May 11, 2006

F.A Hayek

Here is Interview with prominent Scholar F.A. Hayek. He shares his Ideas to students about Free Market, Democracy, the role of the Government etc.

Hayek was an Austrian economist and political philosopher, noted for his defense of liberal democracy and free-market capitalism against socialist and collectivist thought in the mid-20th century. In 1974 he won Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics.

You can see Video Interview here

Source: Die Friedrich A. von Hayek-Gesellschaft e.V.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Hoping for Peace, 2002

Gali Region- Bridge between Georgia and de facto state Abkhazia?

Unfortunatly this Video is only in Russian language. I'm going tu put some other documentary films about Conflicts in Caucasus in the nearest future.

Brief Information about Abkhazia from BBC

Georgian-Abkhazian Conflict Part I

Production of Studio Re

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Der Kaukasus in neuem Licht

Die EU und Russland in ihrer schwierigsten Nachbarschaftsregion

Uwe Halbach

Nach der Einbeziehung Georgiens, Armeniens und Aserbaidschans in die EU-Nachbarschaftspolitik ist zu erwarten, daß sich europäische und russische Politik im Kaukasus stärker berühren werden als zuvor. Welche Herausforderungen stellen sich der europäischen Nachbarschaftspolitik in dieser Region, die als der komplizierteste Abschnitt des postsowjetischen Raums gilt? Wo ergeben sich Reibungsflächen zwischen Europa und Rußland, wenn es um Fragen der Stabilität im Kaukasus geht? ...........The full text you can find here

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Source: SWP

Friday, May 05, 2006


Caucasian Conflicts in Theoretical Perspective


SINCE the 1950s, ethnopolitical conflict has grown as a source of concern in the international arena. It culminated after the cold war with the eruption of conflict in the former Soviet Union and Yugoslavia. A number of conflicts also broke out between ethnically defined social groups in Africa and south Asia, in the postcommunist states of Eastern Europe and Eurasia, as well as in Western Europe.1 The reigning assumption that ethnic conflict was a vestige of the primitive past was revised and eventually abandoned, particularly in view of the spread of ethnic conflict to less developed regions. This led to increased media coverage and public awareness of ethnic issues; more importantly, academic research on ethnic conflict and its resolution mushroomed..... The full text you can find here

Cornell Caspian Consulting